Flow Control, Relief and Check Valves


Pressure Relief Valve TC

Pressure Relief Valve TC
K61 RT38

Our pressure relief valves are manufactured from Aisi 304L and Aisi 316L stainless steel.

The pressure control element is located inside the valve body to prevent accidental operation.
The valves are adjustable from 0 to 5 bars. On request, they can be supplied with disc springs and can be adjustable up to 12 bars.

The standard finish is 120 grit (Ra 1.01-1.14 µm max).


Our check valves are manufactured from Aisi 304L and Aisi 316L stainless steel and are of high strength construction from a solid stainless steel block.

The valves are equipped with low-pressure springs allowing either vertical or horizontal valve operation. The wide head seal opening permits passage of solid particles.

The standard finish is 120 grit (Ra 1.01-1.14 µm max).

The maximum operating pressure is 10 bars.

Check valves EF EL

Check valves EL
W 64V51

Check valves TC
K 64V51